
Enkeleda Bardhi is a PostDoc with Delft University of Technology at the Networked Systems Group, working with Prof. Fernando Kuipers on network programmability and security as part of Future Network Services (FNS) project. Previously she was a short-term PostDoc at DIAG, Sapienza University of Rome, working with Prof. Silvia Bonomi and Prof. Riccardo Lazzeretti, while being a collaborator of SPRITZ Research Group at University of Padua, lead by Prof. Mauro Conti. She obtained the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science Engineering on May 2024, from Sapienza University of Rome. During her Ph.D., from August to November 2023, she was with Purdue University at the PurNet group hosted by Prof. Muhammad Shahbaz. Additionally, from October 2022 to February 2023, she was with Delft University of Technology at the Networked and Embedded Systems Group hosted by Prof. Fernando Kuipers. Her research interests include applications of Machine Learning and neuro-symbolic AI for network security and intelligent networked systems. Regarding networking paradigms, she has worked with programmable networks and Named-Data Networking. ML applications for networking include traffic classification and attack detection, while neuro-symbolic AI aims to make ML-based decision-making in the networks interpretable and more efficient. Her papers are published on well-known venues, including USENIX OSDI, IEEE Euro S&P, Elsevier FGCS, IEEE COMST, IEEE Network, IEEE LCN and ACM ARES.
